‘IFS’ is a India’s first Forensic Organization providing Forensic Education – eStudy, External, Self-paced & Virtual education as well as training, like traditional correspondence courses (Distance & Online) but in innovative way along with proper practical training or skill development. India’s first ISO 29993-2017 Certified Forensic Science Learning Services Provider.
‘IFS’ is registered with Government of India (Central Govt.), Government of Maharashtra (State Govt.), MSME SSI Govt. of India, and also ISO 9001-2015 and ISO 29993-2017 Certified. Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India recognized startup. Recommended By / Notified / Listed at – National Career Service, Ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt. of India; Ministry of Home Affairs – Perspective Plan for Indian Forensics, 2010, The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, (Government of India) National Health Portal, National Qualifications Register, by National Skill Development Agency (NSDA), Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Govt. of India – Websites. ‘IFS’ is India’s First Forensic Sciences Organization Registered with Dun & Bradstreet and with the U.S. Federal Government CCR database. USLEF is legally also recognized Society, legally constituted institution duly registered with Registrar of Society, and Charity Commissioner, Pune. For more details please click here
IFS is a Forensic, Legal and Educational Organization mainly working for Crime Investigation and Court Acceptable Expert Opinions with many Govt. Department like Staff Selection Commission (SSC), DRDO (DRDE) : Ministry of Defense, Govt. of India, Indian Ordnance Factories (OCF), SEBI : Securities & Exchange Board of India (Govt. of India), Karnataka Police Dept., M. P. Police Dept., Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India, Commissioner of Central Excise & Customs (Govt. of India), Delhi Public School, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth Rahuri (MPKV), High Court, Union Bank of India, North Central Railway, Indian Railway, Consumer Disputes Commission Court, etc; Private Sectors like Bank of Baroda, HDFC Bank, Axis Bank, State Bank Group, CitiBank, Syndicate Bank etc, and Lawyers- Supreme Court, High Courts, District Courts, Consumer Courts etc… Fingerprinting for FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), Country Police, State Police Dept. and Dept. of Justice from Ohio, Florida, California, Texas, Australia, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Canada etc… for Police Clearance Certificates (PCC), Background Check, Criminal Record / History Check etc. Our Expert Opinions and Examination Reports are acceptable in every Indian Court and abroad, In India acc. to ‘Indian Evidence Act’.
“IFS” is an short name for “INTERNATIONAL FORENSIC SCIENCES”. IFS is appointed as “Commission” by Hon. Court for various Investigations and Expert Opinions. IFS is Pvt. Forensic Organization and not a degree awarding institute, college or university under any UGC Act etc. and As per UGC – approval not required for our courses. We provide only certification courses up to one year. IFS is Government Recognized Startup Organization, Certificates are acceptable for all legal purposes.
For any query please contact us : 97 97 100 100 , 93 83 100 100 or 020 412 64 864.
You can join and complete these courses : without leaving your current job or college. All our courses are very useful for knowledge; career, awareness and every day life… Not only to investigate crime… but also to prevent crimes…
Training and Practicals (Optional): Online Courses and Self Study may lack in practical experiences, so – We provide Practicals / Special Training to our Students in special batches / workshops. This course provides an introduction to the field of Forensic Sciences and allied subjects / branches, we also provide optional hands-on practical experience using state-of-the-art landscape analysis tools (Optional / Not compulsory). For more details about training please visit – www.ifsindia.net
When any person wishes to make his education status or academic career more profound with a professional course or certification he has to dedicate complete time to it. Full time job or college does not allow people to fulfil their wish. Though it is ideally impossible to take course or certifications in the traditional education system, with Self-paced & Virtual education it is possible. IFS Education Department engaged in offering eStudy, External & Virtual education (Self paced and Self Study mode, so don’t need to wait and attend any type of classes) and Forensic Services such as Forensic Training and Certification and Standardization services.
Our Courses are a simple and cost-effective learning solution, we’re here to help you launch or enhance your creative career.
Students can participate in courses from virtually anywhere and any time around the world, Our Education Department is devoted to high-quality online and open education, You can establish meaningful interaction with instructors and students via the Internet and E-Mails without leaving your home. We also provides Free job placement assistance worldwide.
These courses are mainly designed to provide you with crucial information that will allow you to become Qualified Expert in relative area of Forensic Science. The online delivery system works well for busy, practicing professionals, forensic scientists, experts, lawyers, students etc…
Our courses can be studied in the comfort of your own home or office, Our courses can be studied online or offline in both modes.
‘IFS’ is only first Forensic Science Organization nominated / selected for the “International Star Award for Quality” in ‘Gold Category’, @ 15th ‘International ISAQ Convention’ Geneva, (Switzerland). We expect that all of our clients and students shall be nominated for one or the other awards globally. Let us together work for Forensic Education, Scientific Crime Investigation, Prevention, Awareness and the growth of nation.
We provide Wide range of courses, so student can choose specific course according to their interests, job prospectus and professional fields. The legal, information technology, forensic, security, investigation and other related industries are booming and now is a great time to join a forensic and legal career. You can also combine your other interests in forensic or legal. Developments in the forensic, cyber and legal fields are also creating new legal career opportunities. There are wide career opportunities in India as well as abroad. Our Education Department offers job placement assistance to its students, for this we work hard to collect and maintain student qualification details on long term basis.
Credit Card EMI: Pay your fee in EMI / Installments of 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24 & 36 months etc.* with your credit card. If you don’t have credit card then maximum two installments will be provided. For more details please click here
These are Self-paced & Virtual Courses with special practical sessions of real forensic cases and tests through workshops and summer trainings. – (Voluntary / Optional / not compulsory) IN OUR SPECIAL ESTABLISHED FORENSIC LAB exclusively for Summer Trainings or Short time. To know more details visit Summer Training page.
We have limited seats or less intake capacity per batch, This ensures personal attention / support, fast solution and focused approach which gives high success rate with study satisfaction.
Free verification service by the IFS should anybody wish to verify it. We response all legal & valid verification requests received for your certificates from your employer or background verification agencies. Optional Apostille service available for international use of certificates.
All study structure / study materials / contents and information is provided by Retired Govt. Forensic Scientists / Crime Investigators & renowned authors.
Click here to get Course Fee Concessions, Scholarships and Special Fee Discounts (If Eligible)
We provide a wide range of Forensic, Investigation, Legal and Security Courses Certification like-
(Short Term Certificate Courses, Specialized Courses, Certifications, Trainings and Internships)

If you have any doubts please contact us : 97 97 100 100 , 93 83 100 100 or 020 412 64 864.
Assessment / Exam : One Online Exam. of 100 Marks (Multiple Choice Questions, Objective Exam), per semester.
Click here to get Course Fee Concessions, Scholarships and Special Fee Discounts (If Eligible)
OUR STUDENTS / ENROLLED INDIVIDUALS: IT Professionals, Private Investigators & Detectives, Police Officers, Judges, Lawyers, CA, CS, Accountants, Fraud Examiners, Doctors, Teachers, Dentists, Engineers, Handwriting Experts, Forensic Professionals, Scientists, Bank Officials, Insurance Professionals, Security Specialists, Army Officers, Fingerprint Analysts, Graphologists, Medical Officers, CBI Officials, Cyber Experts, Students & many more…
What is Forensic Science ? : Forensic Science (Forensics) is the application of a broad spectrum of sciences to answer questions of interest to a legal system. This may be in relation to a crime or a civil action, in simple language: Forensic Science is any science used for the purposes of the law and crime investigation. It is application of scientific knowledge, principles and techniques for crime investigation. Forensic Scientists, Forensic Experts or Forensic Investigators play a critical role in the justice system by providing scientific information to investigators and the court of law. There are about / more than 27 branches of Forensic Sciences, but basic and important branches are- Forensic Physics, Forensic Chemistry, Forensic Biology, Cyber Forensic, Forensic Accounting, Forensic Odontology / Dentistry, Forensic Anthropology, Forensic Medicine, Fingerprint, Forensic Engineering, Forensic Psychology, Serology, Document & Handwriting etc… for more details regarding forensic science please visit- www.aafs.org/choosing-career
Govt. Sector | Police Departments, Crime Branches, CBI, CID, Forensic Science Laboratories, IB, Banks, Defence / Army, Courts, Quality Control Bureau, Narcotics Dept., Universities, Hospitals, Investigation Bureaus, Organizations etc… |
Private Sector | Pvt Forensic Labs, Detective Agencies, Banks, Insurance Companies, Universities, Hospitals, Security Services Agencies, Helpful to Lawyers / Advocates – Law Firms, Private Companies, Own Private Practice, Legal Practice in Court etc… |
Job Titles / Posts | Forensic Expert, Forensic Scientist, Forensic Investigator, Crime Scene Investigator, Handwriting Expert, Document Expert, Document Examiner, Forensic Accountant, Fraud Examiner, Forensic Analyst, Scientific Officer, Security Expert, Forensic Consultant, Detective, Investigating Officer, Teacher / Professor, Crime Reporter, Forensic Engineer, Forensic Odontologist, Forensic Psychologist, Fingerprint Expert, Law Consultant, Government Examiner, Instructor, Genetics Experts, Environment Analyst, Forensic Medical Examiners, Forensic Technicians etc… |
NOTE: For more Details Please don’t forget to visit- www.ifsedu.in/course-benefits-features-scope-and-career/ ,
www.aafs.org/choosing-career AND www.aafs.org/current-job-openings
STUDY MATERIAL / KIT AND AWARD: (May Vary according to Course Type & Duration)
Printed Material (Books / Notes / Manuals / Magazines / Booklets / Charts etc)
CD / DVD / ZIP (Software’s, Tools, e-Books, Presentations, Flash Books, PDF Files, Notes etc…)
Identity Card / Examination Card / Online Study Portal Login / Support Panel Login etc
Course Completion Certificate / Certification and Mark Sheet.
Student Life Time Membership for various subscriptions.
Online Portal is for Online Access Only. No Downloads, But Similar important study content will be provided in CD / DVD (as per course mode).
Free Enrollment in our Job / Recruitment Portal with Lift time validity, so you can get job and vacancy alerts from all over India.
ONLINE EXAM: Our examination system is secure, virtual and online, that will allow you to appear / attend an online exam from your own home or office. All these exam questions are based on personal knowledge gained from self study and having time limits. Student should use their own language with their own words. Student can read basic notes and can achieve passing score, if student want maximum score then can read advanced study materials. Our students passing rate is about 99.77 % because solving case or case study is really interesting, important, very easy and challenging part of exam. No exam for Short Term Course. Only Assignment / Homework or Project should be submitted. Printed Course Completion Certificate + Mark Sheet will be provided for all courses excluding short term course, for short term course – Only certificate will be provided after successful assignment / homework submission.
Assessment / Exam : 1 Online Exam. of 100 Marks, per semester.
For any query please call us : 97 97 100 100 , 93 83 100 100 or 020 412 64 864 or send email to
IFS is Registered with Govt. of India, Central Govt., Ministry of Corporate Affairs, also Regd. with ‘TBSAE’ Act 1948, and ‘MJPBS’ Regd. with ‘The Indian Societies Registration Act of 1860’ (Reg. No. MAHA/11424/2001) with ‘Govt. of Maharashtra’, Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India; D.I.C., Govt. Of Maharashtra; ‘Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India, (Perspective Plan for Indian Forensics, 2010) Notified by IFS’; ISO 9001-2015 and ISO 29993-2017 Certified from EQFS accredited by Norwegian Accreditation Board and also Registered with ‘Indian Trusts Act 1882’ as a Scientific, Legal and Educational Trust & with ‘The Indian Societies Registration Act of 1860’ as a ‘Education Society’; Microsoft Partner Network Member, IACSIT, Singapore Partner Member, D&B DUNS Registered : DUNS No. 650514305, NATO CAGE Code- SJP75 (Codification System of North Atlantic Treaty Organization – NATO); Courses were approved by BSS NDA, promoted by the Planning Commission, Government of India, the constitution & functioning is approved unanimously by the Indian Parliament, Affiliation No. MAHA/5097. IFS Education Dept. also affiliated with- “Lefort Dental Training Center & Human Resources”, Lefort DTCHR is Regd. / Approved by- National Council for Training, Ministry of Human Resources Development and the Ministry of Health, Republic of Sudan; Ass. with- The Egyptian Society of Oral Implantology, British Academy of Restorative Dentistry (Lefort as Sudan Sector), Universidad De Sevilla and Dooox Academy (Germany ). –
Listed at : 1) National Career Service, Ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt. of India – WS; 2) Ministry of Home Affairs – Perspective Plan for Indian Forensics, 2010 : Pg.212/8); and 3) The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, (Government of India) National Health Portal, 4) National Qualifications Register, Owned and Maintained by National Skill Development Agency (NSDA), Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Govt. of India (The NQR is the official national public record of all qualifications aligned to NSQF – National Skills Qualifications Framework levels, qualification pathways and accrediting authorities.) etc.
Website Domain www.ifsedu.in is approved by ERNET, DIT, Government of India, .EDU.IN domains are provided to certified / recognized – educational institutions, professional & Vocational institutes, and universities.
For more click here- “ABOUT US“
We are very proud to announce that – “IFS : INTERNATIONAL FORENSIC SCIENCES” / ‘IFS Experts’ are appointed as “COMMISSIONER” by Hon’ble Court of India, to assist in court cases and to examine various Questioned Documents.
MORE INFORMATION- Call @ 93 83 100 100 , 90 11 864 864 and Email us at support@forensic.co.in