Notice / News / Announcements :
* Student can now refer latest happening, updates, news, notices and announcements in Student Panel also (All updates / notices will be updated there. )
* In Pune city COVID-19 patients are increasing day by day, condition is very critical. Due to lockdown / restrictions, we are unable to dispatch Certificates, I-Cards etc, still we are trying to dispatch it on priority basis, but the postal department is also working with limited staff and they are not accepting parcels in bulk. We are dispatching it in small slots so it will take some additional time.
* Printed Study Materials will not be provided to students enrolled during lock-down / strict restrictions against COVID -2019, but instead of this – Downloadable PDF files will be provided in Study Portal. Due to the current lock-down, services that involve a physical delivery via courier / post are impacted. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
* As a precautionary measure – Due to Corona-virus high alert in Maharashtra, the state Government has taken decision to shut down the whole Pune City as well as the region and may be extended time to time. So, the IFS office will be closed till next notice. This shut down may extend as per Government order. We hope co-operation for safety.
* Though the office is not open, online support for any of your queries will be provided through the mail. Be Safe and Stay Healthy.
* We are unable to dispatch the study materials, hard copy of the reports, certificates etc until and unless official working starts. We regret for the same.
* Printed Study Materials will not be provided to students enrolled for offline study or opted for printed study materials during lock-down.
* Exam date / Course completion date will not be changed or extended due to non-receipt / delay of study materials.
* Study Materials will not be dispatched after course completion or after first sem exam.
* RESCHEDULE-EXAM : If student fails in appeared exam and have sufficient time to re-appear on same exam day & exam timing then only provided with free re-exam attempt on same day, within exam timing of 12 PM to 1 PM IST. If student fails to appear exam / failed in appeared exam, then maximum 3 extra attempts will be provided by paying 1200 INR / 50 USD per attempt (as per exam rescheduling fee norms) within 7 days.
After 3 extra attempts if student still fails in exam / fail to appear, then in rare / special cases 2 extra attempts will be provided by paying 2400 INR / 100 USD per attempt (as per exam rescheduling fee norms) with reappeared status .
Extra attempt will not be provided – If student violates our rules and guidelines e.g. Plagiarism?, Delay in answer submission, Lack of time, Short content etc.
Only special cases will be permitted for more than 5 attempts. After these 5 attempts student’s will not get any Extra attempt and student portal account will get suspended permanently. Respected student’s admission will be considered as null / void.
* Diwali Break / Holidays: Please refer Holiday List from-
* Student who cleared exam successfully and applied for mark sheet / certificate can receive their mark sheet / certificate within 20 to 30 working days or after evaluation (Student enrolled for One year courses, and appeared for First Sem. exam will receive only online result and both the sem result will be sent after second sem. exam.), IFS team will dispatch it within 20-30 working days. If any student fail to apply for mark sheet or certificate then result will not be processed and mark sheet / certificate will not be dispatched. (Dates given above are only for example)
* Result will be announced online at Student Control Panel i.e. (In Exam Result section)
* Exam Structure and Exam pattern changes: There are various exam pattern and exam structure system changes, please review it from website.
* Objective Exam Pattern : 100 marks (20 to 50 questions ) Objective Exam – Multiple choice questions.
* Student I-Card + Student Discount Membership Card having life time validity can be provided for students appeared for courses having course duration more than 6 month (Advanced Certification, PG Diploma, Professional Cert, Universal Certification only), and will be sent later (along with Final Result / Certificate), we provide I-Card on complimentary basis, it helps in concession for IFS Seminars, Workshops, Next admissions, Conferences etc. (Single Unique Card)
* Student enrolled for One year courses (Having two semesters), and appeared for First Sem. exam will receive only online result in student control panel (Not printed Mark sheet). After completion of course (Both Sem. Exams) both the sem printed result will be sent after second sem. exam. result update.
* Recruitment / Jobs : New vacancies / Jobs are updated online at –
* Organization New Address : IFS, 30, 6th Floor, C Wing, K. K. Market, Dhankawadi, Pune- 411043, Maharashtra, (INDIA)
* Organization New Name : New Name = International Forensic Science (IFS). Old Name = Intense Forensic Services India (IFS India). So, Do not use any old organization name Intense Forensic Services India LLP for any future correspondence or any other purpose. Our New Organization will not be responsible for any such losses. Only old students can use such names and transactions having relationship with old organization.
* Major changes in Organization, Terms, Rules and Policies etc : w.e.f. March 2012 / April 2018 / Aug. 2020, there are few major changes in organization = Terms, Rules, Organization Name, Address, Education Structure, Directors, Board, Team and Governance etc…
* For more and recent announcements please visit Student Portal. All next notices will be updated there.

WANT MORE INFORMATION ? – (Please visit below links or Contact Us) :